Actual Steps --- Guest

Entering the tearoom

Sit down in front of fusuma (sliding door).
Place your sensu (folding fan) in front of you.
Open the fusuma.
Place your hands on the tatami (tatami mat).
Look into the tearoom.
Move the sensu forward.
Edge, while seated, into the tearoom.

Viewing utensils in the tearoom

Take the sensu with your right hand.
Stand from your right foot.
Walk to the tokonoma (alcove), and sit down.
Place the sensu in front of you.
Make a formal bow.
View the scroll, and then the flowers and the flower container Again, make a formal bow.
Stand form your left foot.
Crossing the kayoi-datami and then the ro-datami, walk to the dogu-tatami. (Walk on specific tatamis.)
Cross the tatami edging with your right (left) foot.
Be careful not to step on the tatami edging.
Sit in front of the kama (kettle).

Taking the sweet (the case of using a kashiki, or a container for sweets)

The host asks you to take the sweet. "Please take the sweet."
Respond to the host's request and make a bow. "I will partake of the sweet."
Make a bow to the next guest. "Excuse me for going before you."
Take the the kashiki (container for sweets) with your both hands.
Raise the kashiki slightly to express thanks.
Put the kashiki back down.
Place your kaishi (packet of paper) in front of you.
Place the folded edge towards you.
With your right hand, first take the far dry sweet.
Place it on the kaishi.
Next, take the near dry sweet.
Pass the kashibachi to the next guest.
Partake of them.

Drinking usucha, or thin tea (the case of the second guest)

The host puts out the tea.
Stand form your right foot.
Cross the tatami edging with the right foot.
Sit down, and take the chawan (teabowl).
Stand from your left foot.
Turn, and cross the tatami edging with your left foot.
Return to your seat and sit down.
Place the chawan between you and the main guest inside the tatami edging.
Bow and say, "I will join you."
Place the chawan between you and the next guest.
Bow and say "Excuse me for going before you."
Place the chawan in front of you inside the tatami edging.
Bow and say, "Thank you for the tea" to the host.
Take the chawan with your right hand.
Place the chawan on your left palm.
Steady the chawan with your right hand.
Bow your head slightly to express thanks.
Turn the chawan clockwise twice in order to avoid its front.
Drink the tea to the last tip.
Wipe the place where you drank from with your right thumb and index finger.
Wipe your fingers on your kaishi.
Turn the chawan back so that the front faces you.
Place the chawan in front of you outside the tatami edging.

Viewing the chawan.

Place your palms on the tatami.
Take a closer view of the chawan.
Pick it up with both your hands.
Rest your elbows on your knees. (not to pick the chawan up high)
Take a closer view of the chawan again.

Returning the chawan (when there is a host's assistant)

Turn the front toward the host's assistant.
The host's assistant comes to take the chawan.
You both bow.

ATTENTION!!! These sentences are from:
English for Use in "THE WAY OF TEA" Copyright 1993 by Tankou-sha, Japan

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Last Updated: 02/07/02
Copyright (C) 1995-1998 by Ken Kato and Natsuko Kato. All right reserved unless otherwise noted.